1 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

How Configure CCcam Server on Box?

Tutorial install CCcam
Install CCcam
1 – What is the CCcam? :
1 – CCcam is a program that allows you to transmit the codes between Dreambox and other special receivers. CCcam is like the instant messaging, it allows both receive and transmit the codes to decipher specific channels.
2 – Ya there other programs similar to CCcam? :
2 – Yes, there are other programs that do the same so that any one CCcam here:
- The Gbox
- The Mbox
- The newcam
- The NewCS
- The OSCam
- The Scam
The 2.1-CCcam is the most stable and replied, that’s why I decided to advise you to make sharing.
3 – How do we call this kind of program? :
3 – They are called emulators CAMs!
You will also find some forum the word “emu” is in reference to the programs mentioned above.
I-Install CCcam on a Gemini Image:
If you remember we apri to install an image in our dream of “Gemini … So first we will learn to:
1 – Set the IP of the dreambox:
1 – You should know that in order to receive the codes for Dreambox decrypt channels it is essential to fix the IP of the dreambox. (The IP address is like in real life example:)
2 – How to Fix the IP of Dreambox? And with what hardware or software? :
2 – Easy one question at a time, to fix the IP of the Dreambox software you need:
-DCC (Dreambox Control Center) You can download the latest version HERE (In will use later).
To Fix the 2.1-IP Dreambox carefully follow these steps:
1 – Press the Menu button on your remote control:
2 – Choose Settings or Setup Language if your Dreambox is ENGLISH (soon I’ll tell you how to put the French language).
3 – Then select Expert Settings.
4 – Can Communication / Network.
5 – HERE And here you can fix the IP Dreambox 500s:
5.1-Uncheck DHCP.
Put in 5.2-IP: 192.168.XXX.XXX
XXX is a number between 1 and 125 realized, eg or ect …
Put in 5.3-netmask:
Put in 5.4-Nameserver:
5.5-Put in Gateway the same as Nameserver that is to say: in our example
5.6-Check the Active Network.
5.7-in Web Interface Switch 80 Port.
5.8-Press the Green button to save.
5.9-Press the YELLOW button to test.
6 – And here is the result:
6.1-If you know this result is that the same thing is that the GEMINI IMAGE bugs a few times *:
-WARNING: After you have finished you must restart the dreambox for 5 seconds by pressing the red button to turn off the dreambox:
- Then select reboot now:
* = Problems, obstacles.
Magner 3-DCC.
-WARNING: Once you have downloaded the full DCC unzip into an empty folder.
1 – Type of connection:-If you have a router check the router and set the router ip From box 6.
-If you have a switch (like me) check the switch / hub.
- If you have an RJ45 crossover cable * check right cross.
* = RJ45 cable is a cable Coise whose son are the inner cable are crossed (see diagram):
PS: RJ45 cables crossed do not sell, to have one it must be the same make.
2 – Login: put the user name and password. (The default username is: root and the password is: dreambox).
3 – System: only checked the box “Keep alive FTP”
4 – This PC: This is the IP of the PC (it is automatically displayed so do not change)
5 – Dreambox: Put the IP of the dreambox ( as in step 5)
6 – Switch / Hub or Router: If you have a router set its IP address, otherwise if you have not put anything Switch.
7 – FTP connected: It must be green (as in the picture).
8 – Telenet connected: It must be green (as in the picture).
9 – WEB if: it is the Enigma web interface, the web control panel of the Dreambox it offers a lot of options (change the channel, lower the volume or augmanter + / -, watch TV from the computer and many others …)
PS: username is: root and password: dreambox.
10 – Remote control: This is the web interface of the Remote control (the remote control of the Dreambox but it is your browser).
PS: (the default username is: root and the password is: dreambox).
11 – FTP: FTP is a protocol that allows you to send a given remote server via an Internet connection. Dreambox in In is used to send files or modify them.
4 – Download CCcam and other necessary plugins:
4 – Download CCcam 2.1.4 (version safest and most stable) HERE .
4.1-Download CCcam config (you need it) HERE .
4.2-Download CCcam info (permez you to see the status of your servers) HERE .
5 – Install CCcam 2.1.4 on Dreambox:
5 – To install CCcam 2.1.4 to your Dreambox 500s carefully follow the following steps:
1 – Open DCC:
2 – Press the FTP tab at the bottom left:
3 – Press the TMP folder:
4 – Enter in the TMP folder then take the file file:
“E1-CCcam_2.1.4_OSCam_1.00.tar.gz” and put it in the TMP folder;
5 – step ciquiéme this password on the Dreambox:
5.1-Take the remote control and press the BLUE button:
5.1.2 – Here is the result:
5.2-Then select “Addons”
5.3 – Then choose “manual installation”
5.4 – then you run to the TMP folder:
5.5 – Enter the folder and select the file “e1-CCcam_2.1.4_OSCam_1.00.tar.gz”
5.6-Press the “OK” button or “green”, then a message appears saying: “Are you sure you want to install this addon” press “yes”!
5.7 – Once installed a message will tell you “addon is installed successfully!”
press “OK”
5.8 – Now restart your dreambox! (Follow the step up to restarted)
- And here is the CCcam 2.1.4 is enabled to properly install please follow the following:
1 – Press the Blue button on the remote.
2 – Select the CCcam 2.1.4 by scrolling to the right with the right button of the remote control:
3 – Then press the Green button on the remote control to start CCcam 2.1.4.
- And here is the CCcam 2.1.4 is enabled!, Now we must do the same with CCcam CCcam config and info!
- Put the CCcam config in the TMP folder in dreambox via DCC, then press the Blue button on the remote control, enter ADDONS> then manually install> Then go into the tmp folder> then press CCcam Config file > press yes when the message appears warning!
- Repeat the same operation for the CCcam info!
Note: Do not forget to restart your dreambox primer have finished installing the three plugins!
* = An encryption system and a set of codes and algorithms that blocks access to pay TV if the viewer chain does not hold a pass.
- And here is the CCcam config is now installed!
—– You tell me what is probably the CCcam config?
——– The CCcam config CCcam used to adjust according to your needs, there are several documents in the CCcam config:
- The CCam.cfg (it is used to add the C: lines (these are the addresses of the servers that give you codes for decrypted channels) is how the list of contacts of instant messaging)
-The CCcam.prio (It determines the priority, for example you want a chain or a bouquet be decrypted with another encryption system *, then you add the string and the name of the desired system decryption, s’ normally used for the HD channels it is not necessary I personally do not touch!).
-The CCcam.channelinfo (it collects information on the channels in are rarely used or not at all).
-The CCcam.providers (it is almost the same as the CCcam.channelinfo in are rarely used).
INFO: You can access these files via DCC, here’s how:
1 – Open DCC:
2 – Press the tab “FTP”
3 – Enter in the “Var”
4 – Then enter in the “ETC”
5 – Now you can edit the files you want by pressing on it with the right click and select the “Edit” (eg CCcam.cfg file)
6 – Here you can edit the appropriate file:
7 – To save the changes press the small disk on top and press “yes”:
——————– CCcam info:
—- What is the CCcam info?
——- It is used as follows:
-If your servers are connected or not.
-The number of cards you receive! and many other things!
—— Is it really necessary?
—— Yes, what if you do not know the number of cards received and if your servers are connected, you would be in absolute black, it is as if you have no eyes!
—— And how used?
— For this please follow the following steps: 1 – To run the CCcam info press the Yellow button on the remote control:
2 – and here is the result:
3 – Scroll down and select “CCcam info”
5 – Here is the result:
Main: This function displays the version of CCcam and its status (on, off).
Active Clients: This feature shows you which servers are most active.
Customer: This feature shows the exchange of codes and the servers to which they relate.
Servers: This function determines whether your servers are connected or not, and the number of cards you receive at home!
Shares: This feature shows the number of people with which you made ​​the sharing (but now it will not do you anything for you do sharer nothing short you will use it later).
Providers: This feature shows the bouquets that you can decrypt with your servers.
Entitlements: This function allows you to see your CCcam configuration (I personally do not use it).
Setup: You can install another version of CCcam info (I do not recommend it hit).
— Function when it is used as the basis Servers: because it allows us to know the number of connected servers and their number of cards! In short this is what is most interesting.

Read more: http://cccampremiumserver.com/how-configure-cccam-server-on-box.html#ixzz2PFPHhLzY

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